Training activities

TechK Education - The Gold Sponsor of Bach Khoa Innovation 2020, accompanying and providing maximum support to students, promoting research and entrepreneurship activities in Vietnam.

TechK Education - The gold sponsor accompanying Bach Khoa Innovation 2020

TechK Education - The Gold Sponsor of Bach Khoa Innovation 2020, accompanying and providing maximum support to students, promoting research and entrepreneurship activities in Vietnam.

Bach Khoa Innovation 2020 - Bach Khoa Startup and Innovation has officially been organized. The annual competition aims to provide a playground for students from universities, colleges, and vocational schools throughout Ho Chi Minh City to promote scientific research activities and applications, as well as equip them with entrepreneurial knowledge and support from professional advisors in various fields.

TechK Education is honored to accompany and be the Gold Sponsor of the Bach Khoa Innovation 2020 competition, contributing to the maximum to support and encourage students to participate in the competition. The desire is to create motivation for students to participate in the Bach Khoa Innovation 2020 competition, contributing to promoting scientific research and entrepreneurship activities in Vietnam.

Các đội thi tham gia cuộc thi Bach Khoa Innovation 2020

 Teams participating in Bach Khoa Innovation 2020

The Bach Khoa Innovation 2020 competition has been adapted to the current situation and still maintains its hotness and effectiveness as two years ago. Being directly guided by leading experts and businesses, students will have the opportunity to realize their ideas to create models and products that serve the needs of society. In addition, members also participate in workshops on soft skills, project management, intellectual property law, how to persuade investors, and visit business incubation centers.

The target and conditions for participating in the competition are teams with at least 3-5 members, including at least 1 member from the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and having at least 1 idea/project (maximum 2 ideas/projects).

The prizes of the Bach Khoa Innovation 2020 competition are also very attractive, with the first prize being 30,000,000 VND, 2 second prizes being 15,000,000 VND, 2 third prizes being 10,000,000 VND, along with many encouragement prizes, Top 20, Top 50, and certificates of merit and appreciation from the competition organizers, gifts from sponsors.

The Bach Khoa Innovation 2020 competition has undergone many changes in terms of participation time and form to suit the development of the Covid-19 epidemic. The competition's launch livestream was organized on March 6, 2020, with the participation of the Rectorate Board, the organizers, sponsors, and patrons for the participating teams. On April 8, 2020, the results of the preliminary round were announced with 52 outstanding teams officially entering Round 1. The first round took place on April 28, 2020, with an online format. Judges and teams exchanged and responded through online channels, and candidates presented in English.

Ông Đồng Văn Keo và các giám khảo cuộc thi Bach Khoa Innovation 2020

 Image of Judges of Round 1 of Bach Khoa Innovation Contest 2020


Ông Đồng Văn Keo và các giám khảo cuộc thi Bach Khoa Innovation 2020

Picture: Contestants participating in the online contest round 1 of the Bach Khoa Innovation Contest 2020

On April 29th, 2020, the Bach Khoa Innovation competition announced the results of Round 1 with a list of the top 40 outstanding teams selected to advance to the next round. This year, the competition added a prize for the most impressive video to encourage and recognize the efforts of teams in the research and presentation of their ideas. The BioGold team won first prize with their project "Nanocellulose From Paper Waste," followed by the top three teams: Viral with the project "Light Alarm," COCO with the project "Covid19 Field Hospital," and UST with the project "Application of phenolic compounds from bio oil in preserving cellulose based products." Each member of these teams will be awarded a 16GB 3.0 Kingstone USB. Round 2 of the competition will take place soon with the participation of the top 40 teams from Round 1, from which 20 outstanding teams will be selected for this season.

Ông Đồng Văn Keo - Thành viên BGK hỗ trợ xuyên suốt thời gian diễn ra cuộc thi

 Mr. Dong Van Keo - Member of the Board of Directors accompanied throughout the contest

TechK Education- the gold sponsor of the Bach Khoa Innovation 2020 competition - always cares and updates the latest information for all interested students. Let's wait and cheer for the teams to continue demonstrating their capabilities and creativity.

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