The CNC milling and lathe operation course is for those who are busy or do not have conditions to go directly to the learning center but the quality of knowledge and skills is still guaranteed to meet the job of Technician operating CNC milling and lathe.


Learn CNC Online with experts | Learn to Program and Operate CNC Machines

  • Are you looking for an online CNC course from basic to advanced?
  • Looking for a reputable online CNC course training center?

=>>> TechK is proud to be a training center for quality online CNC courses right from the first days of establishment with innovative online training methods, suitable for many domestic and foreign audiences.

TechK Education system provides online CNC courses with a professional CNC milling and turning machine operator training program. Please follow the article below to be able to understand more about CNC and find yourself the right course!

1. What is CNC? What is CNC machine standing?

Before introducing you to online CNC courses, TechK will introduce you to the meaning of CNC so that you can better understand the types of CNC machines as well as find yourself an online CNC course suitable for your current study and job!

1.1. What is CNC?

CNC is abbreviated from Computer Numerical Control, which is understood as the control of machines working by computers and has a repetitive nature. Use with special symbols often called G-code.

What is CNC?
What is CNC?

CNC machine is the umbrella word of many types of machines such as milling machines, lathes, drills, wire cutters ,... The structure of CNC machines is basically composed from machines with one axis like drills, two axes like lathes, to machines with 3, 4 or 5 axes like milling machines, we can see the enormity of CNC machining technology.

1.2. What is CNC stand machine?

Along with the rapid development of the CNC machining industry, the demand for highly skilled human resources to meet CNC machine standing  jobs has been paid a lot of attention in recent years. CNC machine operation technician, also known as CNC machine operator, is a job that relies on the knowledge and skills accumulated from many different sources to control CNC machines such as:

  • Ability to read and understand technical drawings, as standard.
  • Set up and operate machining on CNC milling or turning machines.
  • Understand and have the ability to program according to drawings.
  • Test the program and run tests before proceeding to process the products.
  • Deploy processing and control product quality according to drawings.

CNC machine operation technician
CNC machine operation technician

1.3. What are the recruitment needs and basic salary for online CNC learners?

It can be seen that the application of CNC machining today is very diverse, so the demand for jobs will be huge. According to statistics from the Center for Human Resource Demand Forecasting and Labor Market Information in Ho Chi Minh City, each year the city needs more than 1 million workers in this field. This is one of the professions lacking manpower today.

If you are someone who has studied through an online CNC course at TechK and is proficient in CNC machine operation techniques, you can look for job opportunities both at home and abroad with a stable income as follows:


  • Machine operators: basic salary from 8 – 15 million VND depending on capacity and workload undertaken. If you are capable of operating multiple types of CNC machines, your income level can increase by 2 or 3 times depending on the size of the company.
  • Head of CNC department: basic salary from 18 - 30 million. Have professional knowledge of leadership, good planning, training and guiding workers.


  • Machine operators have a salary of 40-60 million VND when working at companies managed by foreigners. Professional requirements and proficiency in foreign languages such as English, Japanese,..

Average salary of technicians operating CNC machines over the years
Average salary of technicians operating CNC machines over the years

2. Who should take the CNC course online?

There are many people who come to CNC as non-professionals, but have a passion for programming and machining mechanical products or need to learn CNC to find a job with the right interests and passions. Here are the subjects who should take the online CNC course at TechK:

  • Those who are standing mechanical machines (operating completely manually, taking a lot of effort and time) can take this course to develop their career to a new level, higher salary, lighter, safer....
  • Students who are studying mechanical engineering at intermediate schools, colleges, universities but have limited practice time, desire more environment to learn more about CNC machines
  • Demobilized people who do not have a stable job, finish grade 12 or below without career orientation can also participate in this course, TechK will guide the necessary knowledge and skills, meeting the recruitment needs of mechanical processing companies.
  • People who want to work in factories, mechanical outsourcing companies: When the current job needs to have more upgrades in qualifications to improve efficiency. Or you want to take a leap at work, working in professional, modern, non-heavy and safe environments.
  • Those who intend to export labor to Japan, the United States, India or other advanced countries.
  • Those who are passionate about this technology and want to learn this industry.

3. Why should you choose CNC online course?

5 Main Reasons You Should Choose an Online CNC Course

  • Not much time to take the in-person course
  • Accommodation, workplace away from training centers
  • You are abroad, want to find an online training center in Vietnam
  • Or for any reason of traffic, weather,... that you want to study at home, at work instead of going to face-to-face classes.
  • Especially in recent times, the issue of social distancing and prevention of the Covid 19 pandemic has greatly affected the participation in face-to-face classes at the center

Benefits of learning CNC online
Benefits of learning CNC online

=>>> Therefore, the online CNC course at TechK will be very suitable for your wishes, "completely tearing down" barriers that affect the need to participate in CNC courses, for your study and work.

4. Is it difficult to learn CNC online?

In fact, when starting to learn any field, there are certain difficulties. Especially, if you are new to CNC, learning CNC Programming and operating CNC machines also causes many difficulties for you because this field is very wide. So, before deciding to start with CNC machine standing, you should have an orientation for which array you will choose.

According to long-term experience working in the CNC field, the 2 CNC segments that are most applied and "storming" in the world market as well as Vietnam are CNC milling  and CNC turning.   Learning CNC milling or  learning CNC turning, the  difficult problem can be mentioned how to program a complete machining program for CNC machines to operate smoothly, and at the same time meet the product drawing requirements in addition to achieving economic efficiency. Therefore,  CNC machine operators need to have both technical knowledge and proficient skills in operating and programming CNC machines.

CNC lathes and CNC milling machines

CNC lathes and CNC milling machines

However, if you have passion, love, actively explore and practice combined with the dedicated guidance of the teaching staff at TechK, learning CNC will no longer be too difficult but become extremely interesting. The numbers, dry G-code, M-code now become easy to understand from the visual lecture system described in detail through vivid images and videos. Along with that, examples and exercises from the actual project will help you acquire knowledge in the most systematic and fastest way.

5. Is learning to operate CNC machines online effective?

Previously, learning to operate CNC machines online would not be effective due to being formal and theoretical. But the requirement for CNC machinists is to have practical skills and the ability to operate. So learning CNC online in the past did not fully convey a complete training program for CNC Machine Operation Technicians.

Today, with modern development technology, online CNC learning is no longer an obstacle. Learners are not only guided in theory, trained in coding on Cimco but also guided in practice through online exchange. With a CNC machine simulation platform, SSCNC software is capable of simulating over 95% compared to actual machines with hundreds of types of CNC turning milling machines. And now, professional technicians also apply SSCNC in their work by simulating on SSCNC before processing.

Learn online machine practice on SSCNC software
Learn online machine practice on SSCNC software

If I have the right conditions to directly participate in courses at the center, I can operate the actual machine which will be more practical. If you have the ability to use Cimco and SSCNC software, you can also confidently apply for a CNC machine position!

6. Should you teach yourself programming and operate CNC machines online?

If you have the ability to learn programming and operate CNC machines by yourself, it is very good, which can save a certain cost. However, self-learning CNC online also has many inconveniences, which can be mentioned 2 main problems as follows:

  • About time: if you self-study, you will spend a lot of time to learn, you may miss many career opportunities.
  • In terms of knowledge: it will be difficult for you to systematize knowledge and have a reasonable route whether you are a beginner or have been working in the CNC field. In addition, the process of operating the machine requires a lot of practical experience, so if you are guided by a professional and experienced person in the field of CNC, you will learn a lot of experience from them.

Should you self-study CNC online?

Should you self-study CNC online?

=>>> Learn to program and operate CNC machines online by yourself, you will spend a lot of time but the effect will not be as expected. Not to mention if the spirit of self-study is not high, besides there are no reminders, you will easily get bored and give up.

=>>> Therefore, it is better to find yourself a reputable online training institution to have yourself a well-groomed study plan, guided by experienced teachers. Both ensuring knowledge, shortened learning time and easy to apply and work or job search.

At  TechK, online CNC courses are trained from basic to advanced, learning with a roadmap, instructors, professional and clear lecture system. Especially, the form of 1-1 tutoring at TechK will guide and answer questions promptly for you. The student's job is to just plan and arrange the class schedule, the teacher will guide you directly, the effect is no different from face-to-face training at the center. Surely you will have a different view of CNC learning online.

7. How long does it take to learn CNC online at TechK?

When taking a course at TechK, it will take you about 1 and a half months to complete a course. TechK trains in the form of 1-on-1, so the time is extremely flexible and convenient for learners to arrange their study plans. Depending on the ability to absorb each person, the number of lessons may be less or more, TechK will train until learners are proficient. Therefore, you can study quickly by increasing the number of lessons in the week, as long as you are proficient, you can finish the course.

Học CNC online

8. 10 outstanding online CNC programming and operation training features at TechK

Since its establishment, TechK is proud to bring learners quality online courses in product outsourcing, Programming and CNC machine operation. With the trust of students from the first days, up to now, TechK has had many students participating in online CNC courses from many domestic and foreign provinces such as Korea, Japan, USA, Canada, Taiwan, Malaysia,... Unlike conventional online CNC

courses, in addition to the course content is designed extremely invested and methodical, the training method of online CNC courses at TechK is completely renewed with outstanding features:
✅ The most special feature is that online students at TechK "learn 1-on-1 online with teachers" rather than just learning through videos tradition. All your questions during the learning process are answered by teachers right during TechK's entire operating hours.

Learn CNC online 1-on-1 at TechK
Learn CNC online 1-on-1 at TechK

✅ The teaching staff is friendly, highly specialized, 100% of lecturers graduated from University and Postgraduate, have good professional capacity, pedagogical skills and many years of practical experience.
✅ Flexible training time: At TechK, the learning time frame is comfortable for students from 8:00 to 20:30 on weekdays. You can easily schedule classes to suit your free time.
✅ Regularly updated training program: Compiled by teachers who have many years of working experience in enterprises or have been teaching at universities.

CNC course online lecture system at TechK
CNC course online lecture system at TechK

✅ Be guided to practice on 2 powerful support software in CNC including G-Code construction software, Cimco and SSCNC intelligent CNC machine simulation software.
✅ Post-course support is completely free: Online accounts are accessed for life. Long-term knowledge is forgotten or in the process of working, there are problems that need a teacher's guidance, you can still contact the teacher for guidance.
✅ Commit to training until students are proficient, supporting the free installation of necessary software on personal computers for learning.
✅ Supported to convert online courses into offline when desired.
✅ Provided with materials, textbooks, exercises compiled by the center separately ... And all this offer is completely free of charge. 
✅ Support to write CVs and introduce jobs to large prestigious companies in the country.
=>>> Students are completely assured when studying online CNC courses at TechK online, ensuring 100% output with recognized certificates at home and abroad.

9. Online CNC machine programming and operation courses at TechK

TechK is proud that after completing the course at TechK, students are always welcomed at the enterprise with outstanding online CNC courses such as:

  • Online CNC Course - CNC Milling Machine Operator Technician
  • Online CNC Course - CNC Lathe Operator Technician

10. Training objectives of online CNC course at TechK

When you take a CNC course at TechK, the primary goal is not to train you to become an expert in many areas of mechanical engineering, but to be able to help you master the skills and knowledge available to meet the needs of large companies to CNC machining workshops:

  • Students grasp the basics of writing and editing the machining program structure for CNC machines.
  • Students master basic skills in mechanical engineering such as: measuring tolerances, reading and understanding mechanical drawings,...
  • Through SSCNC practical teaching sessions, lecturers will provide knowledge gained in the working process to help students confidently operate CNC machines, limiting errors.

Students apply it to work as soon as they join the online CNC course

Students apply it to work as soon as they join the online CNC course

Please contact us for more in-depth advice on online CNC courses at TechK, experienced staff will support you to choose the most suitable course for each person. In addition, the center always opens attractive promotions in online courses for each different learner, remember to follow so as not to miss any "huge" offers!

Find the CNC Machine Operation Engineering Course online, please leave information or contact TechK directly for suitable course advice!


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