Training activities

On April 24th, TechK visited and cooperated with FPT Polytechnic College Can Tho to sign a training cooperation agreement, aiming to develop high-quality human resources.

TechK Education signs a MOU for cooperation with FPT Polytechnic College in Can Tho

On April 24th, TechK visited and cooperated with FPT Polytechnic College Can Tho to sign a training cooperation agreement, aiming to develop high-quality human resources.

The official signing of the cooperation agreement between TechK and FPT Polytechnic Can Tho College has opened up job opportunities after graduation for students majoring in Mechanical Engineering, Control & Automation Engineering Technology.

Attending the signing ceremony, on TechK's side, there was the presence of Mr. Dong Van Keo - Director of TechK Co., Ltd. On the side of FPT Polytechnic College, there was the presence of Mr. Tran Ly Anh Tuan, Director of FPT Polytechnic Can Tho College and leaders, officials of professional departments and new graduates in the graduation ceremony 2022 held on the same day.

Hội trường ký kết MOU giữa TechK và FPT Polytechnic Cần Thơ
MOU signing hall between TechK and FPT Polytechnic Can Tho

This signing ceremony is considered a milestone marking the cooperation between TechK and FPT Polytechnic Can Tho, serving the common interests of research and teaching activities of the two sides in the training of high-quality human resources.

TechK tham gia sự kiện Jobfair do FPT Cần Thơ tổ chức

TechK participated in the Jobfair event organized by FPT Can Tho

TechK will provide training opportunities for students, making money to help them have authentic experiences about the working environment, studying, understanding more about jobs, Mechanical Engineering and Automation. Moreover, TechK also facilitates job opportunities for students of FPT Polytechnic Can Tho College.

TechK tham gia sự kiện Jobfair do FPT Cần Thơ tổ chức

TechK accompanies FPT at Jobfair event

At the signing ceremony, Mr. Dong Van Keo shared: "Facing the task of acquiring and transferring CAD / CAM / CNC technology to businesses and schools, TechK hopes to support the University in the intensive training of software design, manufacturing,  mold processing of mechanical products, automation production lines,... TechK is ready to receive and support FPT Polytechnic Can Tho students to practice and work"
TechK tham gia sự kiện Jobfair do FPT Cần Thơ tổ chức

TechK always supports FPT Can Tho students to practice and work

Considered a "spearhead industry" created from the 4.0 revolution, the current and future Mechanical Engineering and Automation industry is "thirsty" for high-quality and skilled human resources. Therefore, the cooperation between the University and the Enterprise affirms the importance in the process of training and supplying human resources.

TechK tham gia sự kiện Jobfair do FPT Cần Thơ tổ chức

Mr. Tran Ly Anh Tuan, Director of FPT Polytechnic Can Tho College shared: "With the goal of "Prestige – Quality – Dedication, for the benefit and satisfaction of students and customers, TechK Technology Transfer and Training Center has built a brand reputation and maintained trust from the University through its motto "Grow together".

Coming to this signing ceremony, Mr. Dong Van Keo - Director of TechK Co., Ltd. believes that the cooperation relationship between the two sides will have good and sustainable development in the future.

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