Training activities

TechK and Thu Duc College of Technology (TDC) have signed a cooperation agreement to enhance the relationship between the enterprise and the school in the field of training and consulting solutions.

TechK and Thu Duc College of Technology signed an MOU

TechK and Thu Duc College of Technology (TDC) have signed a cooperation agreement to enhance the relationship between the enterprise and the school in the field of training and consulting solutions.

On the morning of August 17, 2019, at Thu Duc College of Technology, TechK Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement with the school with the aim of promoting the development of cooperative relations between the enterprise and the school in the field of training and consulting solutions for product design and manufacturing.

Hội trường lễ ký kết MOU giữa TechK và TDC

 MOU signing ceremony hall between TechK and TDC

Representing TechK at the signing ceremony was Mr. Dong Van Keo - Director of the company, along with representatives of 28 enterprises in various fields such as car repair and maintenance, mechanics, design, printing, services, and business, who also signed the agreement with TDC. The school was represented by Ms. Nguyen Thi Ly - Principal of TDC and relevant departments.

Ông Đồng Văn Keo và Bà Nguyễn Thị Lý ký thỏa thuận hợp tác đào tạo

Mr.  Dong Van Keo and Ms. Nguyen Thi Ly signed a training cooperation agreement

The cooperation between TechK and TDC is committed to maximizing the capacity of each party, connecting teaching, learning, and research activities in the school with the research, development, production, and business operations of the enterprise. Specifically, TechK will provide opportunities for lecturers to visit and participate in work at the enterprise to improve their professional skills, and support students to visit and intern at the enterprise according to the regulations of both parties regarding time, location, content, regulations, and coordination with the school in managing and evaluating the internship process of lecturers and students at the enterprise.


Ông Đồng Văn Keo và Bà Nguyễn Thị Lý ký thỏa thuận hợp tác đào tạo

TechK and TDC will also collaborate to organize activities to support students, such as career orientation advice and academic competitions organized by faculties and the school. They will collaborate in assessing, building training programs, and coordinating with the school in organizing scientific research activities, short-term training, expert training courses, and in-depth training courses for lecturers and staff of the enterprise. At the same time, they will coordinate with the school to advise the enterprise on training and research programs that are suitable for the needs of the enterprise.


Lễ ký kết MOU được diễn ra thành công tốt đẹp

The MOU signing ceremony was held successfully

By signing this cooperation agreement, TechK and Thu Duc College of Technology will create a good cooperation environment to meet the market's demands for high-quality human resources, helping students to access the practical production and business of enterprises and improve the professional level of lecturers. This is a new step in promoting the development of both TechK and TDC.

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