SOLIDWORKS Product Design

SOLIDWORKS Product Design

SOLIDWORKS Product Design

  • Program: CAD
  • Certificate:TechK Certificate - Support for international certification exam
Chỉ từ 2,000,000đ 3,500,000đ
Được học toàn bộ bài giảng khóa học
Được hỗ trợ trực tiếp từ hỗ trợ viên
Student benefits

Study in a professional environment, professional lecturers, many years of experience

Provided with free learning materials, online lecture content compiled by the center

Direct participation in 3D Printing and Product Printing Courses on 3D Printers at the center is free of charge

Be granted an account to use the SOLIDWORKS online lecture library forever

Be granted a certificate of completion at the center and support for international certification exams

Be able to arrange your own study time according to your personal work schedule

Be committed to training to mastery and post-course support

Education program






Introduction to the Solidworks software interface.


Set the default unit (Units).


Data settings (New, Open, Save, Save as).


Mouse gestures (Zoom in, Zoom out, Pan, Rotate).


Calibrate mouse and keyboard shortcuts.




Group of 2D Sketch tools: Line, Circle, Rectangle, Polygon, Arc,...


Group of object correction tools (Modify): Fillet, Chamfer, Offset,...


Pattern: Circular &; Linear Sketch Pattern, Mirror.


Group of tools that constrain size and geometry.


Sketch 2D sketching tools group application.




Extrude Basic Block Creation Tool: Principles for creating Extrude blocks, options in Extrude tabs.


Extrude tool application.


Revolve Basic Block Creation Tool: Revolve block creation principles, options in Revolve tabs.


Revolved tools application.


Extrude tool application, Revolved.


Reference tool group: Reference Plane, Reference Axis, Reference Point.


Coordinate System tool.


Bouding Box tool.


Assign Material.


Calculate the volume, volume details Mass Properties.


Công cụ kiểm tra kích thước Measure Tool


Render the product.


Basic group of block model transformation tools: Fillet, Chamfer, Rib, Draft, Shell, Wrap.


Sequence and symmetry copy tool group: Mirror, Circular & Rectangular Pattern.


Group of hole and thread making tools: Simple Hole, Hole Wizard, Thread.


Basic block model transformation tool group application.


Curve 3D Advanced Design Support Toolgroup: Split Line, Project Curve, Composite Curve, Curve Through XYZ Point, Curve Through Refercence Point, Helix and Spiral


Application Section Curves


Sweep Advanced Block Creation Tool: Sweep block creation principles, options in Sweep tabs


Sweep tool application.


Loft Advanced Block Creation Tool: Loft Block Creation Principles, Options in Loft Tags


Application tool Loft.


Advanced block model transformation tool group: Combine, Move Face, Move Body, Indent, Scale.


Detailed design according to Equation parameters.


Design configuration for Configuration details.




An overview of the assembly environment.


Put the part into the Assembly environment.


New Part tool on the Assembly environment.


Standard Mate Basic Binding Tools Group.


The Pattern object copy tool group.


Application of the Assembly component.


Smart Fasteners nut bolt quick add tool


Advanced Mates Binding Tools Group


Check the degree of freedom of the assembly in parts.


Motion assembly simulation


Application of the Assembly component.


Machenical Mates Mechanical Link Binding Tool Group


Interpart Collision Test (Global Interference)


Detailed cluster decay (Explode).


Application of the Assembly component.




Presentation of technical drawings Drawing (3D to 2D): Format drawings, set name frames, drawing frames.


Projection building tool group, slide line correction, snip builder group


Application of the Drawing section.


Record dimensions, note characteristics, write notations.


Create detailed manifests and assemblies.Mark the order on the Balloon detailed manifest.Dissect detailed volumes (Name, quantity, unit price) BOM.


Application of the Drawing section.






Guided by Moulde Student's Choice


Guided by Moulde Student's Choice


Guided by Moulde Student's Choice


Guided by Moulde Student's Choice



Moulde 1

Surface Program

Moulde 2

Sheet Metal Program

Moulde 3

Weldment Program

Moulde 4

Pipe Program


Course detail

Solidworks Online Course | International Certificate Training Center

  • Want to take Solidworks online courses for work and study?
  • Want to learn solidworks online for beginners?
  • Are you looking for a reputable Solidworks online teaching  center?

=>>> TechK is proud to be a training center for quality online Solidworks courses right from the first days of establishment with innovative online training methods, suitable for many domestic and foreign audiences. 
TechK Education system is a new online learning platform at TechK, helping students participate  in Solidworks online courses in the simplest and most effective way. Please follow the article below to be able to understand more about the online Solidworks course at TechK!

Please contact TechK directly or leave registration information, the consultant will soon support you with course information!

1. What is Solidworks online? Why take a Solidworks online course?

1.1. What is Solidworks Online?

Learning to draw Solidworks online is a new and modern form of learning in today's industry 4.0. Learners take Solidworks drawing  courses via distance learning platforms to improve their knowledge and Solidworks software tools for the following purposes:

  • Design a 3D model based on a given 2D idea or drawing.
  • Assembling parts into assemblies or structural assemblies.
  • Export detailed drawings, assembly drawings of part assemblies.
  • Dissect drawings, create multi-tiered BOM material inventories.

Solidworks Online Course at TechK

Solidworks Online Course at TechK

1.2. Why Take Solidworks Online Course?

You want to learn how to draw SolidWorks for your studies or design work. However, your desire to take a Solidworks course is hindered by the following reasons:

  • You don't have much fixed time to take the in-person course
  • You are too far away from the center for inconvenient transportation
  • You are stuck in overtime schedules, project schedules, work schedules at the company,...
  • Especially in recent times, the issue of social distancing and prevention of the Covid 19 pandemic has greatly affected the participation in face-to-face classes at the center

What are the benefits of taking a Solidworks online course?
What are the benefits of taking a Solidworks online course?

Therefore, choosing to take the Solidworks online course is the decision that best suits your wishes, "completely tearing down" barriers that affect the need to participate in Solidworks drawing courses for your study and work.

2. Should I self-study Solidworks online?

You can completely self-study Solidworks online if:

  • You already have prior design expertise
  • Ability to read and understand drawings fluently
  • Effective use of detailed measuring instruments such as calipers, micromes, balms,...
  • High self-study ability and a methodical learning path
  • Proficient in English because Solidworks software is built in English

If you do not meet the above 5 things, you want to start learning Solidworks  basics or want to improve the ability to use Solidworks software in your designs, it is best to find yourself  an online Solidworks course at centers to:

  • Firstly, you can save time, seize job opportunities.
  • Secondly, the teacher will guide you to the fullest about the ability to design as well as use Solidworks software
  • Third, in addition to professional knowledge, teachers also impart to you a lot of work experience accumulated over many years of working...

Advantages of Solidworks online course
Advantages of Solidworks online course

3. How does TechK teach Solidworks Online?

At TechK, Solidworks Online Courses are trained from basic to advanced, learning with a roadmap, instructors, professional and clear lecture system.

Especially, the form of 1-1 tutoring at TechK will guide and answer questions promptly for you. The student's job is to just plan, arrange the class schedule, the teacher will teach Solidworks online through the form of direct tutoring for you, effective no different from face-to-face training at the center. You will definitely have a different view of learning Solidworks online.

4. Is the Solidworks online course at TechK suitable for beginners?

The answer is yes! The Solidworks online course at TechK is suitable for beginners!

There are many people who come to Solidworks as non-professionals, passionate about mechanical product design or need to learn Solidworks to find the right job according to their interests and passions. Understanding the needs of students, TechK offers Solidworks training services suitable for each audience, even beginners can join this Solidworks online course.

Especially, if you are one of the subjects below, please contact TechK now for advice on registering  for Solidworks online course!

  • You are a student of engineering majors: have a passion for product design, machine design. You need an environment to practice your ability to design 3D models, assemble models, fabricate, automate,... to serve the project, graduation thesis and future work.
  • You are a recent graduate, want to apply for positions in machine design, product design,... with high salaries.
  • You have been working for a long time but want to switch to design, manufacturing, automation ... Or you are an engineer at factories and want to improve your qualifications and capabilities.
  • You want to get a favorable job for design engineers at large companies in Vietnam or plan to export labor to Japan...

Suitable subjects to join Solidworks online course

Suitable subjects to join Solidworks online course

5. Solidworks Basic Program - Advanced Online at TechK

The Solidworks Online - Product Design course from basic to advanced at TechK is designed according to the standard of 18 lessons with 2 learning paths built based on the training program as follows:

  • Route I - Learn SolidWorks Basics: First, students will be equipped with the most basic knowledge when they first get acquainted with the software. The content of the lecture includes instructions on designing 2D drawings, size constraints in the 2D Sketch environment, basic methods of using 3D cubes applied to actual design products. Flexible lessons combined with follow-up practice at the end of each session.
  • Route II – Advanced SolidWorks Learning: Students will be equipped with knowledge of advanced 3D drawing tools, curved face design, part assembly and advanced motion simulation... Along with that, teachers and technicians will also share experiences in implementing projects at large companies, supporting students in saving time designing products, solving problems flexibly. The practice of designing 3D products is similar to work at the company, supporting free product printing,...

3D model rendered by Solidworks online students

3D model rendered by Solidworks online students

In addition to the knowledge and skills in the basic - advanced Solidworks curriculum, students at TechK also get:

  • Equip more knowledge about graphics - drawing techniques, tolerances, measurement techniques during the learning process at the center.
  • Guide the completion of specialized projects, machine building technology for students.
  • Support to write CVs and introduce jobs to large prestigious companies in the country.

With the well-designed roadmap as above, TechK students will be trained from ignorance to proficiency in using SolidWorks software, mastering methods and professional product design thinking.

6. Training results when participating in Solidworks Basic - Advanced Online Course at TechK

By the end of TechK's Solidworks Basics course, you will:

  • Have a strong background in Solidworks software - the most popular product design software today.
  • Master 2D design tools and size constraints
  • Master rendering methods, 3D detailed modeling tools
  • Have assembly thinking, bulk assembly management, and advanced operational simulation.
  • Export drawings for storage, processing or assembly
  • Fully capable of completing the final exam and receiving a TechK Certificate from the center.
  • You can participate in CSWA and CSWP international certification exam  preparation (basic and advanced international Solidworks certification) completely free of charge at TechK.

Solidworks certified students at TechK
Solidworks certified students at TechK

7. 9 outstanding features of Solidworks online course at TechK that you cannot miss

Since its inception, TechK has prided itself on providing learners with quality online Solidworks courses. With the trust of students from the first days, TechK has so far had many students participating in Solidworks online courses from many domestic and foreign provinces such as Korea, Japan, USA, Canada, Taiwan, Malaysia,... Unlike conventional Solidworks online courses,

in addition to the course content is designed extremely invested and methodical, the training method of Solidworks online courses at TechK is completely renewed with outstanding features:
? The most special feature is that online students at TechK "learn 1-on-1 online with teachers" rather than just learning through videos tradition. All your questions during the learning process are answered by teachers right during TechK's entire operating hours.
? The teaching staff is friendly, highly specialized, 100% of lecturers graduated from University and Postgraduate, have good professional capacity, pedagogical skills and many years of practical experience.

Online support teachers for Solidworks online students

Online support teachers for Solidworks online students

? Flexible training time: At TechK, the learning time frame is comfortable for students from 8:00 to 20:30 on weekdays. You can easily schedule classes to suit your free time.
? Regularly updated training program: Compiled by teachers who have many years of working experience in enterprises or have been teaching at universities.

Solidworks Online Course Lectures

Solidworks Online Course Lectures

? Post-course support is completely free: Online accounts are accessed for life. Long-term knowledge is forgotten or in the process of working, there are problems that need a teacher's guidance, you can still contact the teacher for guidance.
? Commit to training until students are proficient, supporting the free installation of necessary software on personal computers for learning.
? Supported to convert online courses into offline when desired without incurring costs.
? Provided with materials, textbooks, exercises compiled by the center separately ... And all this offer is completely free of charge. 
? Support to write CVs and introduce jobs to large prestigious companies in the country.
=> Students are completely assured when studying Solidworks online courses at TechK, ensuring 100% output with recognized certificates at home and abroad.

8. Featured Solidworks Online Courses at TechK

Coming to TechK Education online training system, you can refer  to Solidworks online courses such as:

  • Solidworks Online Course - CSWA Certification Exam Preparation
  • Solidworks Online Course - CSWP Exam Preparation
  • Solidworks Online Course - Product Design from Basic to Advanced

9. What is the procedure for registering for Solidworks online course at TechK?

You can register for the Solidworks online course by filling in the registration form, the consultant will contact and assist you in registering!

In addition, you can also go directly to TechK's training facilities in Ho Chi Minh City for advice and register  for Solidworks online course:

  • Campus 1 (Opposite Ho Chi Minh City University of Science and Technology) HCMC): 1 Phan Huy Uncle, Binh Tho Ward, Thu Duc City
  • Campus 2 (HCMC University of Technology): 141 Bac Hai, Ward 14, District 10, HCMC
  • Campus 3 (CityLand ParkHills KDC): 15 Street 1, Ward 10, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City

10. Products Students Join Solidworks Online Course

Products students join Solidworks online course at TechK
Products students join Solidworks online course at TechK

Products students join Solidworks online course at TechK

Products students join Solidworks online course at TechK

Search for the basic - advanced online Solidworks course - Contact TechK at the phone number below. Or leave information, we will advise you soon!

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