Mastercam Courses

Where is the best place to study Mastercam in HCMC? You are looking for a Mastercam Fundamentals Course. Want to learn Mastercam 2D - CNC milling programming on Mastercam. Learn 1-on-1, register now

Online course
Mastercam 2D Course

Mastercam 2D Course

  • Program: Mastercam Courses
  • Certificate:TechK Certificate
  • Discounted tuition fee: 3,500,000đ 4,000,000đ
Student benefits

Study in a professional environment, equipped with high-configuration computers.

Provided free of charge with all teaching textbooks, learning materials compiled by the center separately

Can process actual products on CNC machines at the center for free

Be granted an account to use the Mastercam Online lecture library

Be able to arrange your own study time according to your personal work schedule

Certificate of completion and job placement support

Be committed to training to mastery and post-course support

Education program






Group of tools for drawing 2D objects: Point, Line, Arc, Rectangular, Polygon, Elliptical ...


Group of 2D object correction tools: Delete, Trim, Break, Fillet, Chamfer...


Group of 2D object distortion tools: Translate, Dynamic Xform, Rotate, Mirror, Scale ...


Complete the Drafting drawing.


Manage 2D objects by color, Level, Group ...


Exercise 1: Application of designing 2D objects.




Introduction of milling machines on Mastercam software.


Set up the machine according to actual requirements.


Set up and create new cutting tools according to actual requirements.


Set up cutting tools, workpieces, select and create new cutting tools according to actual requirements.


Introduction of milling machining methods on MasterCAM 2018.


Practice setting up part machining.


2D toolpath simulation (Backplot) and 3D machining simulation (Verify).


Export machining program (G-code).


Edit the Toolpath, recreate the toolpath.


Create a new workload, establish a new machining coordinate root.




Facing. How to choose the form of processing (Chaining). Declare cutting tools. Set technological parameters. Simulate toolpaths (Backplot) and cutting with workpieces (Vericut). Export the toolpath to Gcode code.


Exercise 2: Practice programming to process products facelessly.


Profile milling method (Contour 2D). Profile milling method (Contour 2D Chamfer). Profile milling method (Contour Ramp). Profile milling method (Contour Remachining).


Exercise 3: Practice product profiling programming.


Socket milling method (Pocket Standard). Facing. Pocket island facing. Socket milling machining method (Open). Remachining method.


Exercise 4: Practice product niche programming.


Drill cycle.


Exercise 5: Practice product drilling programming.


Hole Making processing method. Circular cavity milling method (Circle Mill). Key groove processing method (Slot Mill). Puncture machining method (Helix Bore). Thread milling method (Thread Mill). Automatic hole drilling cycle method (Auto Drill). Start Hole method.


Exercise 6: Practice programming methods to make holes in products.


Toolpath copying method (Translate). Method of taking toolpath symmetry (Mirror). Toolpath rotation method (Rotate).


Engraving milling method


Exercise 7: Practice programming inscriptions for products.


Compound exercises




Course detail

Mastercam Course - Basic CNC Milling Programming from Scratch

  • Want to join Mastercam milling programming course in HCMC?
  • Do you need to learn CNC milling Mastercam programming from basic to advanced?

===> Join the Mastercam Course - Basic CNC Milling Machining Programming at TechK to get:

  • Proficient from zero, unlimited number of lessons, working right after the end of the course
  • One-on-1 learning with teachers
  • Flexible study time according to the student's arrangement
  • Admission immediately after completing the application procedure

Please contact TechK directly or leave registration information, the consultant will soon support you with course information!

1. Who is suitable for the basic CNC milling Mastercam programming course at TechK?

The Mastercam - Basic CNC Milling Machining Programming course at TechK is methodically built according to the 2D part machining route from basic to advanced. This course is suitable for all subjects wishing to learn 2D CNC milling programming on today's No. 1 CAM software - MasterCAM software.

Lập trình phay 2D trên phần mềm Mastercam
2D milling programming on Mastercam software

In recent years, the flow of foreign investment into the outsourcing industry in Vietnam has increased markedly, opening up great opportunities for candidates to master popular outsourcing software such as MasterCAM. Therefore, if you belong to the subjects below, do not hesitate to contact TechK for advice on the right MasterCAM programming course.

  • You are an engineering student passionate about machine design, product design... Desire to have a suitable job, high income and professional working environment after graduation
  • You are an engineer, bachelor in engineering, mechanical engineering or simply love mechanical engineering want to master MasterCAM software to apply to work
  • You are someone who has experience standing mechanical milling machines, CNC ... know how to program hands and want to develop work, increase income
  • You want to learn to draw 2D profiles, create 3D models, and program outsourcing programs for CNC machines running using Mastercam software
  • You intend to open your own workshop or company in the field of mechanical processing, and want to learn MasterCAM to manage, supervise and run the company

Học viên tham gia khóa học lập trình Mastercam phay cơ bản tại TechK
Students take a basic milling Mastercam programming course at TechK

All of the above subjects, from beginners to those who have a background in mechanical processing or know how to use Mastercam software can join the Mastercam programming course at TechK. The team of teachers at TechK will guide you proficiently, starting from scratch.

See more articles: Mastercam software and outstanding features to better understand this software!

2. Training results when participating in the basic CNC milling Mastercam programming course at TechK

2.1. Course Content Mastercam CNC Milling at TechK

When participating in the course at TechK, students will learn basic programming tools such as: Drilling, gouging, boring, taro, face milling, shape milling, cavity milling (area) ... Know how to perform machining in the most optimal order for products.

In addition, students are also equipped with knowledge of:

  • Detailed design in 2D, sample drawing design
  • Learn detailed programming and 2D frameworks proficiently
  • Know how to simulate, export programs, and edit CNC milling machining programs.
  • Train your trainees' ability to detect problems and correct them quickly.

Chương trình đào tạo chuyên nghiệp của khóa học Mastercam phay 2D
Professional training program of Mastercam 2D milling course

The content of the Mastercam course at TechK is methodically built according to the program of 18 lessons. Depending on the receptivity of each student, the number of lessons may be more or less. Students at TechK are trained until they are proficient and can apply well to work.

2.2. Mastercam Course Training Results - Basic CNC Milling Programming

After finishing the course at TechK, you will:

  • Can read and understand processing drawings perfectly
  • Understand all tools, functions, shortcuts, software architecture, how to install the working environment,... to design details in 2D format on MasterCAM software.
  • Proficient in machining code and can be edited to optimize machining parts, improve work productivity.
  • Master the steps to perfect the milling programming program on many different types of CNC machines
  • Receive a lot of practical experience for the fastest, least costly processing that the size and processing surface meet the requirements.
  • It is possible to identify errors encountered in the programming process and handle them accurately.
  • Guide the completion of specialized projects, machine building technology.
  • Issuance of TECHK Certificate of completion of the course.
  • Consulting orientation in the field of outsourcing programming.
  • Support to write CVs and introduce jobs to large prestigious companies in the country.

Học viên TechK đạt chứng nhận đào tạo Mastercam sau khóa học
TechK students earn Mastercam training certification after the course

3. Why choose the CNC milling Mastercam programming course at TechK?

At TechK, the training form is renewed, suitable for many subjects such as:

Study 1-on-1 directly with undergraduate and graduate teachers.

Teachers are enthusiastic, highly qualified, pedagogical ability and working experience at domestic and foreign enterprises. Enthusiastic teaching assistant, solid knowledge.
Flexible training time: Learn immediately after registration without waiting for enough classes to start. Students can come to class at any time during the center's operating hours (From 2nd to 7th morning).

Học viên khóa học Mastercam phay cơ bản được học 1 kèm 1 với giáo viên
Students of the Mastercam Basic Milling course learn 1-on-1 with a teacher

Knowledge warranty: Consulting answers, relearning completely free of charge
Thorough theoretical teaching combined with practice
The training program at TechK is highly systematic in accordance with the strict requirements of businesses.
Fully equipped with facilities at the center: Classrooms with air conditioning, powerful computers, CNC machines, 3D printers, 3D scanners, projectors, measuring instruments,... for students to practice on the spot. Mid-session accommodation is available for students.
Provide free of charge the curriculum  prepared by the center.
Commit to training until students are proficient in using  Mastercam software to program CNC turning part processing. Study until mastery of the curriculum content, unlimited time, number of training sessions

Hình ảnh lớp học lập trình Mastercam cơ bản tại TechK
Image of basic Mastercam programming class at TechK

Support free installation of  necessary software on personal computers for learning.
Support to write CVs and introduce jobs to large prestigious companies in the country. You can refer  to Mastercam jobs and basic salary compiled by TechK to orient yourself before taking the Mastercam course!

4. Where to enroll in the basic 2D milling Mastercam course?

Go to TechK's training facilities in Ho Chi Minh City for advice and register for Mastercam course:

  • Campus 1 (Opposite Ho Chi Minh City University of Science and Technology) HCMC): 1 Phan Huy Uncle, Binh Tho Ward, Thu Duc City
  • Campus 2 (HCMC University of Technology): 141 Bac Hai, Ward 14, District 10, HCMC
  • Campus 3 (CityLand ParkHills KDC): 15 Street 1, Ward 10, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City

5. Mastercam Course Student Products 2D Milling

Sản phẩm học viên khóa học Mastercam phay 2D


Sản phẩm học viên khóa học Mastercam phay 2DSản phẩm học viên khóa học Mastercam phay 2D

Mastercam Course Student Products 2D Milling

6. Featured Mastercam Programming Courses at TechK

  • MasterCAM Course - CNC Turning Machining Programming
  • MasterCAM Course - Advanced CNC Milling Machining Programming
  • Mastercam Training for Business

❓ Are you busy and don't have time to attend Mastercam courses in person at TechK???  
TechK Center provides online training services for courses including Mastercam Online Course - Basic CNC Milling Machining. This is a form of training designed specifically for busy people who cannot arrange time to go to the study center or abroad who want to take the course. For the first time, learners can study with experts at home, work or anywhere without worrying about the quality of training.

Find Mastercam - CNC 2D Milling Programming Course, please leave information or contact TechK directly for suitable course advice!


0943 834 657

0888 318 368

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Mastercam 2D Course Mastercam 2D Course 3,500,000đ

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